Episode 6 - Adopting a Weight Neutral Approach to Fitness with Canadian FitPro Beth Yarzab

Mar 29, 2021


Beth Yarzab is a multi-certified fitness pro and the founder of Vitality Practice - an online, body positive fitness community. Beth helps women move in a way that feels supportive and loving. Coaching participants to exercise intuitively and accept themselves fully, Beth empowers others to find strength, mental clarity, and joy. She works at canfitpro, Canada’s leader in fitness certification and education. In her spare time, Beth creates and facilitates workouts for Vitality Practice, teaches fitness instructor certification courses, and advocates for inclusive fitness for all.

In this episode she shares her journey with a negative body image and eating disorders and how she is now educating fit pros to take a different approach with fitness. She is influencing body inclusivity and ending weight stigma in the fitness industry with a goal of helping the industry adopt a weight neutral approach to fitness.

Can Fit Pro - Join us on April 10th for a virtual fitness conference

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Career Fit Mom on YouTube

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Breaking Body Biases on Clubhouse


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