What if the very fitness activities you love are subtly promoting a harmful mindset about food? What if the jokes you hear about 'earning' meals and 'burning off' indulgences aren't as harmless as they seem? Join me, Christine, in this solo episode where we talk about the intertwined issues of food, fitness, and body image.
This episode isn't about pointing fingers, instead, it’s about fostering understanding and promoting change. We'll explore how seemingly innocent jokes can trigger feelings of guilt, shame, and judgment in those battling with body image and weight struggles. We'll also delve into how we can break this harmful connection and cultivate healthier and more positive mindsets in our fitness routines and daily lives. This is an essential listen for fitness instructors, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone seeking to foster a healthier relationship with food and their body. Pack your preconceived notions at the door; it's time to break body bias.
(Recorded December 2023)
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